Elder Abuse Response Service

Ministry of Social Development
0800 326 6865 (0800 EA NOT OK)
24 hours, 7 days

This is a Government-funded service that is provided through community organisations around New Zealand. You can call to talk to someone from a team of counsellors and mental health practitioners for information and support regarding elder abuse. They can provide brief intervention support and refer you to your nearest Elder Abuse Response Service (EARS) provider. See the website for a list of EARS providers on the Family Services Directory.

It is a confidential 24 hour, free phone helpline. Registered nurses will listen and advise anyone who needs information or support about elder abuse – whether they are enquiring for themself or whether they are someone who’s concerned it might be happening to a friend or family member. Callers will then be referred to local elder abuse services to get the help they need.

Languages: English, Maori, Pasifika, Indian, Chinese and Korean